Friday, November 29, 2019

Doing this one simple thing will make you more creative

Doing this one simple thing will make you more creativeDoing this one simple thing will make you more creativeSometimes, it can be hard to get the creative juices flowing. Americans all seem to lean on the same helpful trick to get their minds activated and come up with new ideas - and if its not already part of your daily routine, its time to get on that ASAP.53% of Americans fantasize while they work out, according to a new survey commissioned byNautilus and executed byGMA Research. They use time on the treadmill to think about the books they want to write, the devices they plan to invent, and even the behavior they hope to model.The survey included an open-ended question about the best breakthrough idea that respondents had while exercising. Some of the answers were very specific.Coming up with a robotic arm brace for my sister (who) had a stroke, reads one.Some people thought about home improvements they wanted to make. Others thought of breakups they needed to set in motion, wh ether with their significant others, or their jobs. Still, others came up with the plot of a novel or wrote music.Am I dreaming?In movies, it always seems to be the quirky female protagonist who has her head in the clouds. But in actuality, men are more prone to fantasizing, at least while they work out.57% of male respondents said they daydreamed during their exercise routine, versus only half of women. So next time, maybe Hollywood should make the man more of a manic pixie dream boy while the woman stays solidly on the ground.Where dreams go to dieApparently, as we get closer to our graves, so do our fantasies. Almost two-thirds of survey respondents ages 18-34 said they give into their daydreams while they work out. But that number plummets as gym rats get older - only 44% of people ages 35-44 and 42% of those ages 45-54 said they let their minds drift as they exercise.West Coast = dreamiest coast?They say California is a place for dreamers, and this survey seems to confirm that . 56% of West Coasters said they fantasize during their workouts, compared to only 50% of those in the Midwest.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Concealed Weapons Sample Policy for Workplaces

Concealed Weapons Sample Policy for WorkplacesConcealed Weapons Sample Policy for WorkplacesIn every workplace, managers and Human Resources staff need to spend time thinking about how they want to deal with concealed weapons in the workplace. Concealed weaponpermitlaws differ from state to state and country to country, so you need to be aware of the laws at the location in which employees want to carry a gun or knife. Additionally, recognize that the reason why you might adopt any concealed carry guidelines is to keep your employees safe and comfortable. People have a wide range of familiarity and experience with weapons and knowing that a gun is carried on the hip of their colleague in the next cubicle may exceed their comfort level.Employers also want to avoid theunnecessary risk of intentional or accidental shootings. Consequently, the majority of employers have adopted a ban on concealed weapons at work even when their carry is legal as in the case of an employee who has apermit tocarry hidden, loaded handguns (CCW permits ). This does infringe on the rights of the concealed weapon permit holder but honors the comfort level of the greater community. Weapons are also bedrngnis allowed in many public places and in venues with the capacity to hold over a certain number of people such as conference centers and concert halls. As with any policy that infringes the rights of some employees or is likely to draw legal concerns and criticisms, you are advised to run any concealed weapons policy that you adopt by your employment law attorney. She can check the verbiage and determine whether the policy is legal and permitted in your jurisdiction. It is also important that you provide employees with a copy of the policyand provide training so that you know that they are aware of and have agreed to abide by the policy. (It is always important to train employees on a new policy but especially in cases where legal concerns may exist.) Concealed Weapons Sample Policy E mployees may not, at any time while on any property owned, leased or controlled by Your Company, including anywhere that company business is conducted, such as customer locations, client locations, trade shows, restaurants, company event venues, and so forth, possess or use any weapon. Weapons include, but are not limited to, guns, knives or swords with blades over four inches in length, explosives, and any chemical whose purpose is to cause harm to another person. Regardless of whether an employee possesses a concealed weapons permit (CCW) or is allowed by law to possess a weapon, weapons are prohibited on any company property. They are also banned in any location in which the employee represents the company for business purposes, including those listed above. Possession of a weapon can be authorized by the companys president to allow security personnel or a trained employee to have a weapon on company property when this possession is determined necessary to secure the safety and s ecurity of company employees. Only the president, or his designee, may authorize the carrying of or use of a weapon. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including employment termination. The employment termination would be characterized as termination for cause. The Sample Policy Is a Starting Point As with every sample policy on this Human Resources site, the sample policy is the starting point for your own policy development. This site serves readers in every state and in countries all over the world and cannot possibly anticipate and reflect all of the local, state, or regional differences in laws. Readers have let me know that in Kentucky and Florida, as two examples, it is legal to keep a legally owned weapon in a locked automobile on company property. Susan Heathfield makes every effort to offer accurate, common-sense, ethical Human Resources management, employer, and workplace advice on this website, but she is not an attor ney. The content on the site is not to be construed as legal advice. The site has a world-wide audience and employment lawsand regulations vary from state to state and country to country, so the articles cannot be definitive on all of them for your workplace. When in doubt, always seek legal counsel. The information on the site is provided for guidance only.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Work-Life Balance Is Dead, and Heres Why

Work-Life Balance Is Dead, and Heres WhyWork-Life Balance Is Dead, and Heres WhyLets dispel a common myth right away, so we can look at this subject with a realistic perspectiveTheres no method that can help a person strike a perfect balance between their work life and their personal life.Believing its possible is a little unhealthyThere are just too many items on todays agenda well never get around to. Things on tomorrows schedule that well push back.Thats just an inherent part of adulthoodkeeping pace with a perpetual workflow that demands every ounce of your attention and energy.At the end of a long day of work, you want to have an actual life.Meet friends, shop, catch a movie, go to your favorite restaurant.The truth is, all that time, a thought lingers in the back of your mindI have to wake up early tomorrow.The work-life balance begins to tip. You rush through dinner, prepare tomorrows lunch, and hope you can wring a little mora free time from tomorrow evening.And it isnt a gre at feeling.Your Misconceptions About the Work-Life BalanceYou might believe you can address your work-life balance with an immaculately planned schedule.If youre somehow able to plan your workday down to the very last second, well, more power to you.Unfortunately, very few of us possess that kind of foresight, much less the ability to act on it.Life is messy, and there are always unexpected changes you cant account forRegardless of your preparedness and punctuality, your co-workers could miss a meeting or get sick, and youll have to make adjustments. These adjustments could throw off the rest of your day and leave you in the schreibstube after hours.Some people think they can cheat the system. They might eat lunch at their desk so they dont have to stay at the office longer than necessary, or theyll skip a work event because it isnt mandatory.In truth, though, this reallocation of time doesnt serve them well. And might just backfire.They might get out of work early if they eat lunch at their desk, but the distraction of their food could compromise the quality of their work. They might gain more personal time by skipping an obligatory work event, but itll reflect poorly on their reputation as an employee.Does such life seem balanced to you? Sooner or later, the scales have to level out.The essential takeaway here is that its counterintuitive to stress yourself over the perfect work-life balance. Its an attractive concept, admittedly, but in practice, that kind of mindset will only serve as an obstacle toward making meaningful progress. Trust meIts Something I Know from ExperienceAs a tech and productivity writer, I have an intimate understanding of efficiency in the workplace.Ive researched modern methods of time management. I know what it takes to produce a high quantity of content. I consider myself knowledgeable in my areas of study.But theres one thing Ive learnedI freelance in a journalistic capacity for a lot of different websites, and I have to work with in the limitations of hard deadlines.One of my clients prompted me to write a sizable piece that required a lot of industry-specific research. It took time to conduct and integrate what I gathered into the draft.Because of a simple miscalculation, my task bled far past my working hours. I found myself writing deep into the evening.Typically, I would have worried about my lack of preparation. This would cause me to lose focus on the task while creating a routine of ridiculing myself for something that wasnt necessarily within my power to control.I would obsess over what I did incorrectly when a project was genuinely intensive. This would only let me down and make me feel as if I had failed myself and others.This had to stopInstead of beating myself up for it that time around, I decided that it was okay not to be so torn up over a scheduling mishap.I made a plan to prioritize what I could fit into my schedule without trying to do it all.This helped me avoid stress, disappointment, and exhaustion at work and in my everyday life.In situations like behauptung,its important not to burn out.Recognize that mistakes happen and estimations arent always accurate. Show yourself patience and kindness as you move forward. Treat yourself as you would treat a co-worker. Make progress at your own pace until youve finished.Get a job you love and work with people you respect. When you find the position thats right for you like I have, the issue of a work-life balance is less pressing, and its easier to cope with unexpected holdups.Advice on Improving Your Work-Life BalanceWhile its unrealistic to believe that a perfect work-life balance is possible, you can employ some simple techniques to free up more time for yourself.Its true that you have a responsibility to your company, of course, butYou also have a responsibility to yourself and your personal well-being.Your physical and mental health depends on self-care. Work ranks as one of the top three most common stressors, with61 p ercent of surveyed individuals citing their job as a source of anxiety.Naturally, more people shouldadopt strategies to alleviate this pressure so they can reach a happier balance.How can you achieve a better work-life balance?Compose a short list of your priorities.Determine which duties at home and work are least important to you and which are most important. Use this information to dictate how you schedule your day, allocating less time to the inessential minutiae and more time to the things you enjoy.Establish a clear set of boundaries.How much additional work youre willing to complete outside of the office?When are you going to check your work email after hours, and when do you intend to ignore any incoming messages? Answer these questions yourself and consider your limitations. Then, speak to your superior about them.Take advantage of all of the resources at your disposal.You likely have co-workers who are willing to help you with your tasks inside the office, and you can fini sh challenging projects. Its more than OK to ask for help, and Id encourage it if you feel like youre overwhelmed with work.Why the Work-Life Balance Is SkewedIts simple enough to acknowledge that a perfect work-life balance doesnt exist. Its less simple to understand why.Maybe we could reach a more concrete solution that could help employees and employers in the United States achieve a better equilibriumthough thats unlikely, all things considered.In truth, the balancetips on a fundamental level. The traditional nine-to-five template tries to fit employees within a box.HoweverWethe employeesare human beings, with all the subjectivity that entails. We have our own unique pace, style, and method of approaching assignments and responsibilities.Too often, companies treat a member of their workforce as an instrument and not an individual. This attitude is not only detrimental to morale but also hurts retention and increases turnover. A failure to respect preference is counterintuitive t o productivity, with many remote employeesworking far more efficiently.If a business owner takes the time to communicate with us, we might reach a mutual understanding. From this empathy, a better work-life balance could eventually develop.Unfortunately, for larger corporations, this is improbable, and scale can prohibit a meaningful dialogue.To see real change in your work-life balance, you cant sit on your hands, waiting for a massive revolution in conventional business practices. You can only depend on yourself, what you choose to do,and the difference you can make today.Adopt a Different PerspectiveIt might start there, but it doesnt end thereFinding the ideal work-life balance requires a sustained commitment to self-betterment.Try employing some of the advice listed here and see how it helps you throughout your day. Check which techniques prove most effective for you.You dont have to sacrifice your life for work. A compromise is possible. And more than thisyou can find harmony. So, What Do You Think?Thanks for reading my article Id love to hear your thoughts on work-life balanceWhats the best tip youve ever gotten about work-life balance?Are there any successful work-life balance tips you practice in your life?Do you think that work-life balance varies with occupation?